
SaaS Training Best Practices - How it Works Best in an Agile Setting

Alan Holland

April 6, 2022

Best practice training for SaaS is different in the way it is designed, delivered and sold because methodologies need to be mindful of the fast-changing world of SaaS applications. The biggest challenge of designing training for SaaS applications is maintenance. Keelvar updates so frequently, that traditional long-form training buckles under its own weight and becomes obsolete too quickly. It is also imperative for organizations to have new users on-boarded and proficient within days, and not weeks or months.

As with any training, the audiences' key requirements determine the best mode or blend of training modes for each. For example, Corporate users in a Centre of Excellence for an Enterprise typically require more detailed instructor led training (ITL). Other team members in divisions or remote locations can either avail of remote training sessions as reaching all locations in person is not practicable in a time-frame that is consistent with agile fast-paced improvements and developments. For a broader rollout the amount of ILT for end users must be determined judiciously. Even an hour-long course presents scalability challenges. Designed right, self-paced learning (whether online eLearning, or “off-line” self-study) can be just as effective, and tends to be both faster and lower-cost from a training deployment total cost of ownership perspective. If you introduce self-paced training from initial implementation, it is easier to maintain that approach with each new release.

Discovery-based exercises and activities are critical to learning, understand and ultimately adoption.

See for a set of short tutorial videos that are task centric. Examples include "How to Manage Users" and "How to Create an Auction". When it is short, it is more likely to be viewed and less likely to become obsolete quickly. Best practice training for SaaS involves self-paced end-user training with regularly scheduled opt-in webinars, or online “office hours,” for those who have questions or would like additional support and guidance.Video tutorials that are short, sharp and task-focused are critical. They provide training assets that can be referenced at appropriate points in the application to enable self-help, which is ultimately the key to customer success. With each release, only a limited number of demos will need to change.Discovery-based, scenario driven training is also essential for trainee engagement. The materials are focused on sourcing processes in RFQs and Auctions and elaborate on the various stages in detail. People need to find comfort around how their processes will be changing given the introduction of Keelvar. The “as is” processes will differ across clients, so the trainer needs to be able to relate old and new. Discrete modules that address Event Design, Bidder Invites and Evaluation etc give contextually relevant information. By aggregating the appropriate set of modules, tailored training configurations can deliver the best results for clients.The scenarios themselves can be quite generic, yet prescriptive and based around relevant spend categories. The training dataset can be configured using client data shared in advance. Having a training environment with a baseline dataset is critical to successful discovery-based learning that is exercise and activity centric.

In summary, best practice training techniques for an agile SaaS application such as Keelvar utilize smarter training methodologies that combine more granular nuggets of video and other materials to help define relevant and maintainable programmes.

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