Cookie Policy

What Are Cookies

Like many websites, we use “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in the hard drive of your computer by your browser. Cookies enable us to manage your visits to our websites, simplify the signing-in procedure, keep track of your preferences and to track the usage of our websites.

How We Use Cookies & Similar Technologies

We use both session-based and persistent cookies. Sessions-based cookies last while your browser is open and are deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are only deleted by either you or your browser or when they expire automatically themselves. Parts of this site may require cookies to provide some services or for correct functioning. Disabling cookies and/or HTML local storage will render some functionality of this site inaccessible. Like all websites, our servers automatically record ‘log files’ containing information about the volume and characteristics of our website traffic e.g. user action performed, IP address, numbers of pages viewed, length of time spent on site. We use log files to build pictures of how our site is used.

Third Party Cookies

We use third party cookies from external companies. These companies generate their own cookies and have their own privacy policies. Keelvar does not have the capability to control or edit these cookies.If you would like to disable “third-party” cookies generated by advertisers or providers of targeted advertising services, you can turn them off by going to the third party’s website and following their instructions.The full list of cookies we use is below:

View Cookies

How can you control cookies?

You have the right to either consent or reject cookies, and Keelvar provides a cookie banner for you to allow/disallow cookies on page load. At the same time, you can adjust your options at any time by clicking “Cookie Settings” on the bottom of this Policy.

Most browsers and devices offer settings that allow you to choose whether browser cookies are set and to turn-off and/or delete them. For more information about these controls, visit your browser or device’s help material.

- Cookie settings in Microsoft Edge
- Cookie settings in Firefox
- Cookie settings in Safari
- Cookie settings in Chrome
- Cookie settings in Opera

For other browsers, please consult the documentation that your browser manufacturer provides. Find out more about the use of cookies on

If you are primarily concerned about third party cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn these off by going to

You can also visit the trade body representing these advertising bodies for more information on how to opt-out of these cookies:

This policy is effective as of Jan 15th 2021.

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