Streamline your sourcing buys with RFX services

Keelvar's RFX services helps the world's biggest brands take the complexity out of supplier sourcing.

Join the list of leading enterprises benefiting from advanced RFX services

Strategic Sourcing is complex
Your RFX Services don’t have to be.


Usability For Buyer & Supplier Satisfaction

Support your largest, most complex RFPs through an easy to use,  intuitive interface. Keelvar Sourcing Optimization also enables your suppliers to submit their proposals fast and efficiently.


Constrained By Excel? Move Forward With Flexibility

Flexible event setups drive better outcomes in the competitive bidding process. With scalability no longer a concern, tap into more creative bidding options from a greater number of suppliers.


Balance Competing Priorities With Greater Ease

Easily handle increases to complexity, sourcing frequency, volumes. Help teams find new opportunities save money, reduce risk, and strengthen supplier relationships.

Our Solution


Streamline Sourcing Decisions
for More Spend Categories

Easily address a range of spend types from strategic, annual sourcing events to reactive spot bidding and mini tenders.

- Transportation
- Packaging
- Direct and indirect materials


Manage Complex Sourcing
Events with Sourcing Optimizer

Our core SaaS-based platform adds automation and ease-of-use to bring advanced optimization ROI to a broader range of spend categories and sizes.

- Improve Decision Quality
- Boost Productivity
- Become More Agile

Competitive Bidding

Discover new opportunities and innovations to drive competitive bidding. Allow suppliers to offer non-price bid considerations, such as capacity, alternative items, favorable terms, discount packages, and service commitments.

Traffic Light Feedback

Automatically keep suppliers current on where their bids rank. Give your team visibility to supplier strengths, sustainability attributes, and innovations.

Usability & Automation

Remove the time spent manually cleaning data, monitoring bid status, and analyzing bids by hand. Facilitate a fast and efficient set up of any type of bid event, with fast uploads of existing bid sheet templates, flexible sourcing event design, and event lifecycle management.

Scenario Analysis

Evaluate real-world market conditions alongside your organization’s business goals and accounting for preferences of internal stakeholders. Run a variety of “what if?” scenarios in real time to determine the best award decision.

Success stories
What our customers say about us

“The great thing about Keelvar is that it's simple and complex at the same time… It makes processes that are complex, simple, so you can easily follow them. All our team members are trained and are at least running one tender in Keelvar. And we added the packaging category to the portfolio.””

Radu Panciuc, Contracts & Innovation Manager, Samsung

About Keelvar
Streamline Sourcing Decisions
for More Spend Categories

Easily address a range of spend types from strategic, annual sourcing events to reactive spot bidding and mini tenders.

Sourcing Optimization

Sourcing Optimizer improves award decisions across more spend types and sizes.


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